Firestone chiropractic offers a wide range of chiropractic services for our patients. Just a few of our services are listed below. For more information on these or other services, please call (530) 533-9122.
The goal is to restore function and nervous system health by re-establishing the healthy, natural curves of the spine. The degree of degeneration in the spine will be assessed, and the doctor will give a comprehensive treatment plan that may include massage therapy, exercise units, and follow-up exams to determine improvement in the nervous system’s health.
Spinal Manipulation & Adjustments
Many reoccurring subluxations can be addressed with Corrective or Reconstructive Care. The goal is to restore function and nervous system health by re-establishing the healthy, natural curves of the spine. The degree of degeneration in the spine will be assessed, and the doctor will give a comprehensive treatment plan that may include massage therapy, exercise units, and follow-up exams to determine improvement in the nervous system’s health.
Personal Injury
Traumatic physical occurrences are the source of many chronic health problems. Accidents involving automobiles can result in serious injuries to the spine and neurological system. It’s critical to take care of your spine as soon as possible after an accident to avoid soft tissue healing in an abnormal posture. Sleepiness, dizziness, dull headaches, neck/back discomfort, loss of range of motion in the spine, numbness or tingling in the extremities, and other signs of nervous system stress are common following such an occurrence.
In most cases and depending on the circumstances, our office is willing to work on a lien if you have legal representation or to bill your MedPay/Automobile insurance for your chiropractic treatment.